The “Secret Lovers” Monthly Gathering
Professionally facilitated Transformational Workshop / Support Group
Are you embarking on a big change in your life?
Are you ready to live like you’ve never lived before?
Do you want to be supported by a group of like minded individuals?
Drop in on the 4th Tuesday of the month!
Deep transformational Sharing.
Professional Coaching and Support.
Prayer and meditation.
Fee: $20 at the door
Date: The fourth Tuesday of each month
Time: 7-9:00pm
This is a monthly drop in group that takes place in West Los Angeles (90035). Email for exact address.
Your facilitators are: Agape Practitioners Gerrick Angel, ALSP and Randee Vasilakos, ALSP. Randee has a successful private practice where she utilizes over 20 years of experience in counseling and meditation. She co-facilitates transformational classes at Agape’s University of Transformational Studies and Leadership. Gerrick is an Agape Ministry Director with a successful private practice where he skillfully integrates spirituality with the “Real World.” He is active with Agape’s Youth and Family Ministry and has co-facilitated transformational classes at Agape’s University of Transformational Studies and Leadership.
To Prepay for any of Gerrick's Services, Click "Buy Now" and enter the number of dollars you would like to send through Pay Pal.